Tampa, Florida, USA: Hours 2 and 3 of 24skate#9

Hello Clemens,

Bryce Mosely and I skated the 9am slot (although we started at 8am EST and skated for 2.5 hrs). We started in Spring Hill, FL, covered 38 miles (not sure how far that is in km) and I got some pictures and video.

24skaters in Tampa 2012

24skater Bryce in Tampa 2012

24skater Jessica in Tampa 2012

Click on the following still picture from the video to watch it (4.5 MBytes):

Video 24skate Tampa 2012


Comments from Clemens:
38 miles is 61 kilometers. I distributed them evenly about the 2.5 hours. First two hours count for this 24skate.
These skaters are that fast, that you can see their front only if you watch their video. Thanks to Bryce for skating backwards!
By the way: Jessica is administrator of the skatelogforum.

History of this page:
24th of June 2012: First version