Munich, Germany: 24skate #18
Dear skaters and friends around the world,
here is my report of the 24skate 2021 in Munich, Germany:
I started a bit later than planned in the late afternoon on a sunny, but fresh autumn day.
Temperatures in the sun were around 5 degrees Celsius.
The sun was already low at the sky, so shadows became longer and sun was not everywhere, but leaves were. At least that was my first impression when I
left my home:

But the bikepath along the Isar river bed was leafless.

Large parts of the riverbed have been freed from concrete and reinstated so the river can form its bed more freely.
A popular place for recreation.

Autumn colors were in full bloom.

Here a view along the river, people strolling in the flood runway.

Back on the bicycle track

Strange creatures with looooong legs come along here ...

... but at close range they do not look that scary.

The bike track proceeds along the river. View from a bridge near the famous "Deutsches Museum" towards
a public bath from Art Nouveau times.

Usually people from Munich hardly can resist this temptation: "Beergarden open". But I had a mission...

Friends reload with solar energy on a gravel bank in the river.

An angler angles for colors.

The angel of peace (left) protects the Bavarian parliament (right, behind the trees).

Shadow is no reason to not visit a beergarden. This one is one of the biggest and has a "Chinese Tower".

Last rays of the sun at a small lake in the "English Garden". Remember the lake; we need its soil later.

For some inhabitants of Munich it is not yet too cold to take a swim.

This idea of an temple ("Monopteros") has a huge tower as base and to hide it the hill around it was formed by the soil
dug out when the lake (remember?) was created. It was build in the 30's. No not the 1930s. 1833-1837 !
Another historical information: As a child I used to ski down in winter the section which is currently fenced.
It was so steep in our kids' eyes, that we called it "Devil's Downhill".

A bit more drama:

It's a favored place to view towards the old town centre and sunset.

Here is a panoramic view with an focus on the park.

And here another one with a priority on the silhouette of the old towers. From left to right: Government building,
church (German: Kirche) of St. Peter, Mayor's Hall, twin towers of the Frauenkirche, three domes of Theatinerkirche, then trees
and to the right the two pointy towers of the Ludwigskirche.

Here a closer look to the Ludwigskirche.

After a skate around the town centre we arrive at another famous Munich sunset location: The Hackerbrücke above the rails to/from
the Munich main station. Brücke is German for Bridge and Hacken means to chop. When Munich families go by train under this
bridge the parents tell young children to duck one's head so it is not chopped off. Only later they learn that the bridge is not
named because of Hacken, but after a founder of a big brewery close to that bridge: Mr. Hacker.

The many sunset worshippers are not afraid of Hacker stories.

View from the Hackerbrücke towards the main station.

Slowly, but finally the big skate circle begins to close. May you still know this version of a statue of liberty from my earlier reports.
Her name is "Bavaria".

At the end it was no high performance skate: 20 kilometers in 2 hours. However it allowed me to share some views of my home town with you. I hope
you enjoyed the tour.
Best regards
History of this page:
14th of November 2021: Story and photos added
8th of November 2021: First version