Falkirk, Scotland: Hours 8 + 9 of 24skate #13
Hi Cemens,
We nearly had a last minute cancellation when the park owners we skate in contacted
us after knowing about this for months to say that our insurance was inadequate.
Luckily we managed to increase our public liability insurance and were go again at 15:00.
Everything went well here in Scotland. We had a lot less skaters than expected probably due
to the short notice we had to publicise it due to the issues with the insurance. We did pick
up a few along the way who were out skating and knew nothing about Falkirk Wheelers or the
24 hour skate so hopefully a few more for next year. I send you some photos along with our stats.
We had 17 skaters covering 133.76 miles in the 1.25 hours we skated for. We'd more juniors
than last time.
Hope the rest of the event goes well.
History of this page:
25th of June 2016: First version